Sunday 8 September 2013

Early September 2013


Well 'Tomatoes 'R'us' just now! After the intense heat of August, the tomato plants in general have decided to grow and flower again with a vengeance - just shows, never cut anything off until you have given it another two weeks.The yellow 'Cherry Bell' (yellow and bell shaped believe it or not), Principe Borghese (Italian,small but  perfectly formed and Ferrari RED) and Cuor di Bue (French heart shaped and a bit ugly) have all gone into overdrive and are producing fruit as if there was no tomorrow(do they know something perhaps. 'Brandy Wine', very large, a bit wrinkled and pink ( possibly like an 'Old fashioned' English man should look) has decided to produce half kilo fruit two metres above ground. Daily picking,dicing, slicing, bagging and freezing should satisfy the 'Pasta and Sauce' urge through the winter months.

Various varieties of tomato growing to a great height!

Yellow Cherry Bell tomatoes, with Principe  Borghese and several other varieties, together with aubergines, green peppers and a couple of  red chilli peppers

Chillii's, after a feeble start this year, now seem to understand their 'Raison d'etre' for being included in the garden. Masses of flowers have suddenly appeared and timid chillii's are peeping out from a canopy of profuse leaves. Understand they perform much better in their second year if you can get them through the winter (minimum winter temperature 7 degrees C.). Seems a good year for sweet peppers, copious green peppers now starting to turn red, forget about the other fancy colours, mostly a waste of space with very little flavour.