Wednesday 2 October 2013

Autumn Begins in Portugal

2nd October 2013 

Traditionally the first rains of autumn arrive in the Iberian Peninsula during the last week in September and this year has been no exception -  150 mm. in the first three days. The relief of the vegetation could be heard in the “wee small hours  of  dawns early light”. 

So what’s left to benefit from a drink after the long very hot and dry summer?  After a poor start the Peppers and Chillis are having a great time.   Bartlett Bonnets, very hot, born and bred in Portugal by an English Lady called ”Mrs.Bartlett”, are over 2 meters high and are covered in small green “frilly bell like” peppers,  readying themselves to turn purple,   and masses of white flowers to continue the crop well into late November. 

Bartlett Bonnet just forming!

Another new variety grown this year is “Pavlec”, medium hot, comes from Hungary and is excellent in “Goulash”.  It has been producing bright vermillion thin pointy chillis, about 150 mm. long, for the last month and should continue so until December. 

The benefit of hot sunny days in September has got the “Sweet Peppers” turning from green to red very early this year. Start freezing the surplus chillis and peppers early as they will stay much firmer when “thawed out” if taken from the early crop.


 Good time to plant winter radish seeds, potatoes in a tub and lots of lettuce for Christmas.

What an amazing year for Green Figs.  We have not seen many Black Figs yet. The trees are groaning with fruit which, due to the rain, must be picked daily before early wet rot sets in. Fig Chutney with ginger and Michelle Roux “Fig Tarte Tatin” use up the surplus very quickly. Apples have been and still are doing very well this year - need a search party to find any Olives so expect the trees will need a “good talking to”.  Threat of removal seems to have an effect on next year’s crop - or is this just another “rustic” myth.

Good time for cuttings from Fuchsias,  Geraniums, Hydrangeias,  Lavender and Roses.  The ground is wet and still warm so they all root before winter, giving an early start next year. Top dress fruit and flowering trees- feed and top dress everything in a tub and strim all new weeds and brambles, as they start to grow, after that long hot summer.
Must dash, forgot to get fuel for the strimmer-
 See you soon