Tuesday 31 March 2015


31st March 2015   CENTRAL PORTUGAL

Glorious sunshine, midday temperature in the mid twenties - just managed to squeeze in the last bonfire of the spring season. Total ban on garden fires from the 1st April to 31st October due to Portugal’s propensity for forest fires. Vast areas of the Beiras are planted with Eucalyptus trees (which really burn well) which are used to make paper. The BombeIros Volonterios (Volunteer Fire Brigade in every country town) is a Right of Passage for the majority of young, and not so young, men with a smattering of young ladies now also joining. It is amazingly dangerous and unfortunately there are often fatalities amongst the BVs, so everyone obeys the Ban (encouraged by a 1500 euro fine) and is ever grateful for their brave and appreciated service to the community.

The last few days of lovely weather have propelled the growing cycle of many plants which leap forward with great alacrity. Everything in the  cold frame is chaffing at the bit to be moved forward to its final growing, cropping or flowering position. Runner Beans are about to be introduced to their growing  pyramids, whilst the Haricot Vert (seeded directly into the ground two weeks ago) are at the sixth leaf. Aubergines will be planted out by the weekend, half in tubs and the balance in raised beds. (This provides insurance if there are any cool wet periods in April or May  as the tubs are easy to move for protection).

Raised beds are being prepared for the first of the sweet Peppers, ‘California Wonder’ for the green, ‘Summer Sunshine’ for the yellow and ‘Corno Rosso’ for the long reds. And again will plant a tub of each, just in case of prolonged wet weather.

The Petunias are planted - F1Hybrids in troughs and Surfinias in planters, as they tend to expand in every direction in their profundity. Have found the secret of longevity with all the varieties of Petunias is to prune them back severely in late June and again September, feed well before and after the trimming  and they will be back in profuse bloom within ten days and will continue to flower until the cold of  November.

The first tentative shoots are appearing in the Dahlia tubs (find planting in the 90 litre grape baskets (black plastic and 2.30€ each at the Co-Operativa) with a mix of spent potting compost from last year with 30% addition of  estrume  gets the best results (with continual feeding throughout the growing and flowering season of course).
Nothing beats Dahlias, in all their guises, for colour and flowering profusion - such a shame they are cheap and easy to grow as otherwise they would be the darling of the gardening CognIcenti and not consider vulgar in Chelsea and the Home Counties.

The first rose buds should open next week, the first always open immediately after the Wisteria makes its gracious appearance in regal purple . (This is imminent as the flower buds on the Wisteria are just showing colour). The yellow ‘Banksii’rose will take the honours, closely followed by the magnificent ‘Golden Magic’(prolific rambler with small intensely golden double flowers and a hint of claret at the heart of the flower).

Really getting quite excited with some much beauty  appearing from every corner and talking of  beauty. there goes the Head Gardener’s Bell, 

must dash,

See you soon,


NB  Pictures to follow - Head Gardener

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