Sunday 14 June 2015



Two or three days of summer rain are a relief after the weeks of sunshine and have removed the immediate portents of drought. (Not so bad in the ‘Beiras’ but becoming serious in the Alentejo and Algarve). Temperatures have dropped from the mid ‘30’s last week to a gentle low ‘20’s now, so all the plants are regrouping for a further sprint when the sun returns next Tuesday. (General opinion of all four forecasting sites consulted).

Started spraying the Tomatoes already against the dreaded ‘Blight’- might say ‘Blight Resistant’ on the packet but don’t be led astray by optimistic marketing by the Seed Merchants copy writers. (They, like the seeds, are all ‘F1 Hybrids’ and don’t always come true). Even during this uneasy period of doubt the fruit (yes ‘Fruit’ - tomatoes are not vegetables, even if the ‘Supermarkets’ think so) on the various Tomato varieties under cultivation, is amazingly profuse this year; not red yet but could certainly muster a few kilos of green chutney already. This year’s feeding regime of horse manure to start, followed by nitrogen rich rabbit droppings, and topped up weekly by a light scattering of the blue balls from the Co-Operativa, has created an unusual eco-chemical programme that will possibly offend all the various aesthetic gardening factions, but certainly suits the recipient plants. (Maybe should consider this a ‘Vote of Confidence’ by the most important parties in the debate).

Tomatoes and two kinds of Basil (wonderful eaten together)

Soon to be ripe Tomatoes

The Cucumbers that were massively profuse with both male and female flowers, but seemed to be of a ‘non-mating persuasion’, have suddenly found the profound benefit of fertilisation and are producing vast quantities of fruit. (Perhaps the  feed of rabbit droppings has had the desired effect. The adage that ‘Nothing breeds like Rabbits’ may have passed through the system).The seeds from Lidl - ‘Chinese Slangen’ and ‘Konsa’ - are well ahead of Mr.Fothergill’s ‘Marketmore 76’.

Cucumbers well on the way now - too many as usual!

Courgettes are having a field day. ‘Grissette de Provence’ are well ahead of the pack (picking six per day and already looking for recipes),’Golden Zucchine’ and ‘Black Beauty’ have flowers and small fruit, ‘Soleil F1 Hybrid’ still playing the ‘Prima Donna’, lots of leaf and no flowers yet but still time to demonstrate its credentials. The various colours of  Patty Pans are hiding their fruit with massive leaves ready to surprise with ‘Pie’ shaped progeny in a couple of weeks.

The first of the golden courgettes

Grissette courgette 

The huge leaves of the patty pan courgettes

Raspberries giving a ‘tea cup’ of fruit per day (long may this last) and the Strawberries in their raised troughs are really starting to make a daily contribution to the ‘table’. ‘Blueberries’ slow to turn blue - maybe waiting for a few cold nights.

raspberries just keep going

Aubergines have fruit, but still small, and numerous flowers (bees visiting hourly from my talented Neighbour’s hives). Sweet Peppers are full of flower and have their initial fruits forming. (These are strange plants as they always seem to wait for a precocious flower to fertilise and grow before the rest decide to emulate) and Chillis still struggling.

First baby aubergine

and the first sweet pepper

Apple trees are still full of swelling fruit (so looks like good crop later). Peaches growing fast and Plum trees are heavy with ‘Pigeon Egg’ sizes fruit getting ready for a July harvest. Olive blossom has passed and the embryonic olives are visible. Will have a decent crop in October, if the thunderstorms restrain themselves for another couple of weeks. (Last year everything looked set for a  splendid harvest  after massive blossom, but all wiped out in mid June by a 50mm in one hour storm which totally de-nuded the trees).

Lots of apples this year

peaches coming on well

young fruit on the yellow plum tree

Dahlias, Petunias, Geraniums, Roses are all behaving well .(Keep feeding weekly to keep them going)  This seems a very good year for Fuchsias and with the  trailing begonias, all seem ready for potentially a superb display. (See previous post!)

Also showing signs of fruit - pomegranate, and a lone apricot!

pomegranate forming and lots more flowers

One and only apricot on the tree!

The Head Gardener’s Basil is looking very ready for Summer salads and evening pastas, so ‘Brownie Points’ gained will ensure continued coffee supply in the coming months. Just awaiting the Bell - bit chilly in the current grey drizzle.

Well - there it goes,

Must dash,

See you soon,


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