Wednesday 26 October 2016



Autumn really arrived with heavy rain and cold winds but then, just as all the village fires were being lit, out came the sun in a clear blue sky and an ‘Indian Summer’ prevailed amongst the Thunder Storms - most confusing for the Gardener and equally mystifying for the plants. The sudden damp conditions and day time temperature in the upper twenties have persuaded some species that they have already experienced a short sharp winter and are now proposing to perform for another year ( don’t expect it will last with the incoming ‘Easterlies’ of mid November).

The myriad of cuttings taken in late September are revelling in the un-seasonal conditions, growing away with abandon. They look good now, but what will happen when, or if, it becomes a traditional winter? Aubergines, Chillies and Peppers are in full flower and heavy with ripe and semi ripe fruit (well can you think of another word to describe their crops). The Tangerines and Oranges are turning ‘Orange’,(about one month early) and the Limes and Lemons are ripe enough to use. 

Ring of fire Chilli plant - beware, very HOT

Young limes - nearly ready for picking

Plumbago in powder blue; Solanum, in white and dark blue; deep purple Tibouchina in full regal splendour; Brugmansias, all colours from pure white through pale pink to yellow and deep gold. They are giving a further ‘Fanfare’ from their orchestral trumpets (must be the fifth or sixth this year),filling the garden with colour and exotic fragrance. 

Plumbago scrambling through a peach tree together with white Solanum

Purple solanum

Exotic Tibouchina - may need winter shelter

This Brugmansia  is at its most stunning now

Roses in full ‘Fig’, Cyclamen getting going, Fuchsias still performing but the Geraniums are starting to falter. 

Lovely blush rose

Mini cyclamen will be in flower all through the winter, with care

The delicate ‘Heartease’ (Winter miniature pansies) are growing and flowering strongly - have always found if pansies are in flower during the first week of November they will produce a wonderful show all winter.  Seed needs to be sown in June, pricked out in July and potted on in September to ensure a winter extravagance.

Miniature violas (Heartsease) will be tumbling over their troughs by spring

So is it time to wrap up and protect the tender plants? Banana plants should have the leaves removed before’ wrapping’(next year’s leaves grow from the old stem, so if you want a taller tree leave plenty of stem). If left they cause wet rot to destroy the root.  Use sacking or green breathable garden wrap and fill around stem with straw. Keep out of direct rain, off the ground and water sparingly every three weeks throughout the dormant period. New leaves will start to appear in April.

Banana tree ready for its winter preparations

 Geraniums do best in the winter out of the weather but in a light and airy place. Water once a month until March then give them a feed before putting out in a sunny spot. 

Have always taken the Cymbidium Orchids inside during the winter following their summer sojourn on the sunny terrace. Following a full ‘re-potting’ of the stock last year there was little flower evident during the winter and spring.   The Portuguese Lady opposite planted hers twenty years ago in tubs placed on the veranda. They are ignored and left to the elements, rain, wind, sun and cold, throughout the year. These plants always seem to produce the most eloquent display annually. This year half of the plants will remain on the terrace and the balance will reside inside. Will post information on their progress - looking for first Orchid Flowers for Christmas!

Bit late to plant bulbs for the Festive Season in the garden.  However, if Spring flowers are a must over Christmas and New Year. Bulbs planted now (Tulips, Daffodils and Hyacinths) and ‘Forced’ in dark, mild (not hot or they will ‘Bolt’) and moist place should perform in late December early January.

Lettuce beds now full for winter picking, eight varieties, twenty plants each, market bought as plugs (at €1 for twenty cheaper than the seed), at eight a week (HG big lettuce eater) should last till spring.  Of course, you can replant with twenty new plugs every fortnight and never run out of salad.

So if the weather stays ‘mild’ for a further week or two might please the HG by thinking about taking a few more speculative ‘Cuttings’ to generate a uninterrupted Winter supply of coffee.

 The telepathy seems to have worked as there goes the ‘Bell’
 must dash

 see you soon,


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